
News & Events

Big Talk x Twine Week

Start date: June 3, 2020

End date: June 7, 2020

Join a global Big Talk event with extraordinary people from all over the world for meaningful 1-to-1 conversations through video. Powered by twine, a first-of-its kind conversation platform.

Sign up for one or all of the sessions: Wed Jun 3 530-6p EST, Thur Jun 4 830-850a EST, Fri Jun 5 5-530p EST, Sat Jun 6 3-330p EST, Sun Jun 7 12-1230p EST

Sign up here: https://try.twine.nyc/bigtalk/?utm_campaign=bigtalk&utm_source=partner&orgid=8

Learn how to skip small talk in your workplace, community, school, or home!
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